
1386 Cherry Bottom Rd, Gahanna, OH 43230


Traditional Braces

The Basics of Traditional Braces

Traditional braces, called metal braces, are a reliable way to fix crooked teeth and create a nice bite. They are made from strong stainless steel. This type of brace uses brackets, archwires, and rubber bands to slowly move teeth into the right place.

The brackets are carefully attached to the front of each tooth. The archwires run through these brackets and help guide the teeth. The rubber bands, or ligatures, are important because they hold the archwires to the brackets. They apply light and steady pressure to help move the teeth.

As time passes, this gentle pressure helps change the bone around the teeth. This change moves the teeth into better positions.

What Makes Traditional Braces Unique?

Metal braces have some advantages over other braces, like ceramic braces or clear aligners such as Invisalign. They are tough and work well for many orthodontic issues. This makes metal braces a good choice for complex cases that need a lot of tooth movement. Ceramic braces might look better, but they are not as strong as metal braces and can break more easily.

Clear aligners allow for easy removal, which is a nice feature. However, their success depends on whether patients wear them as directed every day. Metal braces are fixed in place, so they apply steady pressure that helps deliver reliable results. Also, traditional metal braces usually cost less than other orthodontic treatments.

Components of Traditional Braces

Three main parts work together in traditional braces to move teeth. These parts are metal brackets, archwires, and rubber bands.

  • Metal brackets: These small pieces, usually made of stainless steel, are stuck to the front of each tooth. They act as the support for the whole system.
  • Archwires: These wires go through the brackets. They help move the teeth because they can apply gentle and steady pressure. They are made from a special metal that makes them strong.
  • Rubber bands: Also called ligatures, these little elastic bands come in different colors. They connect the archwires to the brackets. They keep the archwires in place and make sure the pressure on the teeth stays steady, helping them line up correctly.

The Process of Getting Braces

Embarking on the journey to straight teeth with braces involves a clear process. It starts with a consultation at Smile with Style Orthodontics in Gahanna, OH. During this visit, Dr. Buchsieb will examine your teeth, and take X-rays and impressions to create a treatment plan that’s just for you.

After the plan is ready and you decide to go ahead, the next step is the installation appointment. At this appointment, our orthodontist carefully bonds brackets to your teeth. Then, he threads the archwires through these brackets and secures everything with rubber bands.

Initial Consultation to Final Adjustment

The journey with braces begins with a consultation. This first step is very important. During this visit, Dr. Buchsieb checks your oral health. He will look at your medical history and listen to your concerns. A thorough check of your teeth and bite will happen as well. To get a better view, X-rays and impressions of your teeth may be taken. This helps create a clear guide for your orthodontic needs.

After this assessment, a treatment plan is made just for you. It will include how long you will need braces and how often you will have adjustments. When you feel good about the plan, the next step is to put on the braces. You will have regular appointments every 4 to 8 weeks. At these visits, Dr. Buchsieb will check how your teeth are moving. They will also change archwires or rubber bands if needed. This is to make sure your braces work well.

Timeline: From Installation to Removal

The time for orthodontic treatment with traditional braces can be different for each person. It depends on factors like how complicated the case is, the age of the patient, and their oral health. Usually, the treatment lasts between 12 months and 3 years. During this time, it is important to have regular checkups. These visits are usually every 4 to 8 weeks.

At these appointments, Dr. Buchsieb checks how the treatment is going. He will make changes to things like the archwires and rubber bands as needed. This helps keep the treatment on schedule. The adjustments might mean tightening the wires or using new, stronger ones. This way, as your teeth move to their new spots, they stay on the right path.

Living with Braces

Once the braces are on, getting used to them is a big part of the process. At first, it may feel strange to have brackets and wires in your mouth. You might find it hard to speak and eat for a little while.

But don’t worry! With some patience and practice, you will get used to it. Your tongue will learn how to move around the brackets, and the discomfort will slowly go away.

Daily Care and Maintenance

Maintaining good oral hygiene is very important when you have braces. This helps stop plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gingivitis. You should brush after every meal and floss once a day. Our orthodontist will give you clear instructions on how to brush and floss well with braces. This will help make sure all food and plaque are removed properly.

Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Angle the brush at 45 degrees toward your gum line. Make sure to brush each tooth for at least 30 seconds. Flossing might be hard at first, but it is very important too. Using a floss threader or special orthodontic floss can help a lot. It will make it easier to reach tricky spots between your teeth and braces.

Tips for Eating with Braces

Mealtimes can be tricky with braces. You need to change what you eat. Hard, crunchy, and sticky foods may hurt your brackets or wires. This can slow down your treatment.

  • Foods to enjoy: Go for softer foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, soups, and smoothies.
  • Exercise caution: Choose cooked vegetables and fruits. This helps keep your braces safe.
  • Foods to avoid: Stay away from sticky candies, popcorn, hard nuts, and chewing gum.
  • Cut food into smaller pieces: This makes it easier to chew and digest without putting too much pressure on your braces.

Addressing Common Concerns

It’s completely normal to feel anxious or worried when thinking about traditional braces. Many patients often worry about the discomfort or pain they might feel during treatment. You can feel at ease knowing that some discomfort is normal, especially after adjustments, but it usually isn’t too bad and doesn’t last long.

Other worries may include what foods you can eat or how braces could affect your speech. With good advice from Smile with Style Orthodontics and a positive attitude, these worries are easy to handle.

Managing Discomfort and Pain

Discomfort is a common feeling during orthodontic treatment. Usually, this is temporary and can be managed easily with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. We can help you choose the right dose and type of pain reliever for your needs. You can also apply a warm compress to your jaw or rinse your mouth with warm salt water for soothing relief.

It is important to tell us about any pain or discomfort you have. They can check what’s happening and may adjust your braces to help you feel better. Using orthodontic wax can also help reduce irritation from brackets or wires that are rubbing against the inside of your mouth.

Handling Emergencies: Loose Brackets and Wires

Even though traditional metal braces are strong, problems can come up. You might have a loose bracket or a wire that sticks out. These are not usually emergencies, but you should see us soon to avoid bigger issues. A bracket can come loose if you bite down on something hard. A wire can stick out when your teeth move during treatment.

If you find a loose bracket, gently push it back in place with your finger or a clean cotton swab. Don’t try to take it off completely; this could hurt your tooth or nearby areas. If a wire is bothering you, you can use orthodontic wax to cover it. This will help until you can visit Dr. Buchsieb.

The Impact of Braces on Oral Health

Getting braces not only helps make your smile look better, but they are also good for your teeth and gums. When your teeth are straight, it’s easier to keep them clean. This can help prevent plaque, tooth decay, and gum disease.

If your bite is not right, it can cause problems like uneven wear on your teeth, jaw pain, and trouble with chewing or talking. Braces help fix these problems. This leads to a healthier and better-working smile.

Benefits Beyond Straight Teeth

A straighter smile is a big plus of traditional braces, but their benefits go beyond looking good. One important benefit is that they help improve oral health. When teeth are lined up well, it is easier to keep them clean. If teeth are crowded or overlapping, it’s hard to get rid of plaque and food. This can raise the chance of tooth decay and gum disease. Braces help create space between the teeth, which makes brushing and flossing work better.

Also, traditional braces can fix bite problems, known as malocclusions. If these problems are not treated, they can cause jaw pain, headaches, and trouble with chewing or speaking. By making the teeth and jaws align correctly, braces can help reduce these issues, leading to a healthier and more comfortable bite.

Long-term Care After Braces

As you say goodbye to your braces and welcome your new smile, it’s time to start taking care of it. A key part of this care is the retainer. This special tool helps to keep the straight teeth you got from your orthodontic treatment. Dr. Buchsieb will give you a retainer after you remove your braces, along with clear instructions on how long to wear it.

At first, you might need to wear your retainer most of the day. Later, you can switch to wearing it only at night. This change helps your teeth settle into their new places and stops them from moving back. It’s very important to use your retainer, even if it feels a bit strange. Also, remember to go to regular checkups after treatment to check your progress.

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Smile with Style Orthodontics

Walter Buchsieb II, DDS
1386 Cherry Bottom Rd, Gahanna, OH 43230

Contact us today for an appointment at 614-428-8002

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